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User Interface: how does it contribute to your company’s success?

User interface sketch

User Interface: how does it contribute to your company’s success?

Today, businesses need to have a strong online presence to be successful, and having a good website or application is critical to making this happen. This is where user interface (UI) design plays an important role.

The design of a user interface is very important when developing a website or application, and companies should never overlook this point.

In other words, UI design is one of the main options to increase traffic to a website and thus achieve a higher conversion rate. It is what makes users have a good experience with a site and as a consequence become loyal customers.

Even adjusting the user interface design, no matter how small it may seem, can have a big impact and ensure better results. Basic changes such as button shapes, colors, typography or the way information is distributed can determine whether users stay on the site or leave because it ends up being difficult to interact with it.

Benefits of a good User Interface

  1. New customer acquisition:

    Having a good UI design contributes to a positive user experience, which becomes a competitive advantage and acts as a key brand differentiator. When you offer a good design, customers feel more comfortable while using your application or website. That way, you can attract new customers and therefore increase sales. Which becomes an improvement for the business by maximizing revenue opportunities.

  2. Increased customer engagement and retention:

    An attractive UI design improves customer engagement and helps retain old customers. By developing a good interface that simplifies research and navigation, new users will be attracted, avoiding frustration and will also want to continue with their digital experience. Achieving a lower bounce rate and a higher conversion rate.

  3. Brand loyalty:

    Related to the previous paragraph, interactive and attractive UI designs have a better chance of retaining customers, trying to keep them loyal to the brand.

  4. Increase in productivity:

    If the product is well designed and easy to use, learning time will decrease and users will satisfy their needs more quickly and efficiently. This boils down to an improvement in terms of productivity for both the user and the brand.

  5. Lower development and training costs:

    Having a user-friendly and intuitive interface from the start can help avoid future problems, such as correcting navigation errors, adjusting the design to be more functional or deleting features, causing less problems for designers, avoiding additional costs and reducing time and effort.

  6. Lower customer service costs:

    Often, when websites are difficult to understand, users express problems or concerns when navigating the interface, so when an interface is intuitive and practical, contact with support services will be less frequent. In this way, companies can benefit by reducing customer service costs.

What are the advantages of an optimized User Interface?

The main goal of any business is to increase sales and grow. Optimizing the user experience is a fundamental part of any good website or app and is linked to SEO. If users like it, brand recognition and credibility will increase.

Today’s marketers face the challenge of meeting the demands and needs of consumers in a highly digitized, ever-changing world where technology is present in almost every aspect of their lives. One of the best ways to please consumers is to create an enjoyable and valuable user experience. An important fact to note is that sites with a superior experience have up to 400% more conversions than those that offer an unpleasant or difficult experience.

An optimal user experience involves more than a well-built site design. With the development of new marketing technologies, there are a number of resources available to improve the UI design of a site.

Examples of good User Interfaces


Amazon’s user interface is designed to increase the likelihood that visitors will make a purchase. To this end, the search bar is the focal point on the website.

Amazon succeeds because everyone knows how to perform a search, simplifying product browsing, but also allowing you to filter, refine and view results in an open and readable way. The search function influences other visual elements of the home page, such as personalized recommendations, recent browsing history and new products.

Another important point to highlight are the calls to action (CTA) on the products, where they appear as text (blue hyperlink) and as an image, giving due importance so that the user knows where to click and make a purchase.


In terms of learnability, there’s not much that the average user doesn’t know what to do from logging into the Dropbox website. It is intuitive for a large number of users to drag and drop files from their desktops to the site, even without knowing if that feature is available; they do it just because it is so common and because it is available in a myriad of applications, tools and software.

Dropbox has one of the easiest user interfaces to understand. Its organizational structure in folders and files is easily recognizable to anyone who has ever used a computer, as it has the same format as operating systems decreasing the learning curve.

This interface pays a lot of attention to detail, with sequenced color palettes, animated icons and images that coordinate with each other. It has an experimental, creative and consistent design.

To have a successful online presence, it is essential to have a user-friendly interface. Every company, regardless of size, should consider UI design as a consistent and fundamental part of their business strategy.

With a good UI design, you have fewer problems, higher user engagement and retention, better functionality, and a strong link between customers and the website. Now that you know the features, benefits and advantages of a good UI, how will you take your customers’ experience to another level? Make your interface an ally of your business. Contact us for more information.

Source: Hexacta “How good user interface design benefits your business” | Useit “Features of a good user interface”

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