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Author: Anabel Castro

Outsourcing or insourcing?

Which is better: Outsourcing or Insourcing?

In an evolving marketplace, companies are looking for effective strategies to sustain a competitive advantage and increase their operational efficiency. One of the fundamental decisions businesses face is whether to insource or outsource specific functions. Both approaches offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, and…

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LATAM Inclusive Tech Awards 2024

Interfaz, winner of the LATAM Inclusive Tech Awards (LITA) in “Hacking the gap”

The Latam Inclusive Tech Awards (LITA) recognize companies and professionals who promote reducing the gender gap in technology. The awards aim to highlight initiatives for gender inclusion in tech, as women still represent less than 25% of specialized employment in technology (FEM). Lima,…

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Close-up of a computer chip with the word outsourcing on it

How Custom IT Outsourcing Solutions can drive your company’s success

Managers and C-level executives often face the challenging task of balancing technological innovation with operational efficiency and cost management. A key strategy to achieve this balance is outsourcing custom software development. This practice allows companies to access specialized skills and additional resources without…

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person with phone and AWS logo

Advanced data analysis techniques leveraged from AWS

Data analysis is fundamental for business success. Organizations are awash in raw data, and transforming it into actionable information can revolutionize business. By using advanced tools and technologies provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), companies can uncover trends and solve critical issues. Why…

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Hand accelerating from manual to automated

Simplifying and automating business processes: the impact of digitization

Technology has become a transformative force in all aspects of life, including the business sphere. Digitizing business processes has radically altered how companies operate, simplifying and automating tasks that were once tedious and time-consuming. Explore how technology streamlines business processes, boosting efficiency and…

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Person from behind watching a responsive design hologram

Advanced guide to responsive designs: maximizing user experience on the web

Responsive design is a web design technique that allows sites to automatically adapt to the screen size of the device they are being viewed on. Consequently, this ensures a uniform and high-quality user experience on any device, which is crucial in a world…

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Hologram with graphics showing data in multiple colors

Enhancing data analysis capabilities for marketing campaigns

Welcome to the world of data analysis applied to marketing. Moreover, being able to get important information from big sets of data can decide if a campaign succeeds or fails. In this blog, we’ll talk about how getting better at analyzing data can…

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Close-up picture of technology

Unlocking the potential of machine Learning in predictive analytics

In today’s digital world, using predictive analytics is crucial for companies to stay competitive. In this blog, we’ll explore how using Machine Learning in predictive analytics is changing different industries. We’ll talk about the real benefits it brings, the common challenges companies face,…

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Cellphone with AWS logo

Detailed guide to security and compliance on AWS

In the world of cloud computing, ensuring security on programs like Amazon Web Services (AWS) is of great importance. In this guide, we will explore strategies and best practices to effectively protect your data in the cloud. 1. Cloud security Cloud security is…

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Close-up picture of a computer circuit

Software development methodology: exploring the best for your project

Do you want success for your software development project? Choosing the right methodology is crucial. With a variety of approaches available, from traditional waterfall methodologies to agile methods like Scrum and Kanban, it’s essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each. In…

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