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Artificial Intelligence replacing humans at work

Artificial Intelligence world in formed by an holographic form

Artificial Intelligence replacing humans at work

Humans have been confronted over time with various changes in the way we can perform our work. Today, artificial intelligence is once again challenging some jobs that could be replaced.

Our ancestors were accustomed to do their work with their hands. And with animals such as horses to plow the land or perform other activities. After the industrial revolution spread throughout Great Britain, Europe and America, many people began to worry and think that their jobs were at risk. However, the truth is that the technology of the time made their work much easier. And they were able to complement their functions in a quite natural way.

The fear that originated the industrial revolution is the same today. But this time related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We must understand that, as in the past. The goal is for organizations to rely on these technologies to perform the most operational tasks. Repetitive tasks or tasks of a certain precision that can be difficult for humans to perform. And for people to focus on specializing and focusing on activities that can give more value to companies.

However, this means that certain jobs will no longer be performed by humans. They will be automated. In fact, the Office for National Statistics in the United Kingdom estimated that “elementary” occupations will be more impacted, up to 73%.

Average probability of automation by occupation

Based on this study, it is estimated that waiters, stock clerks, sales clerks, bar staff, cooks and kitchen assistants will have the greatest impact due to automation.

And as an interesting fact, 70.2% of the people currently working in these occupations are women. Between 20 and 24 years of age. And indicate that people between 35 and 39 years of age are the ones who will be less at risk with automation.

IDC’s latest report estimates that the global Artificial Intelligence market will move around $432.8 billion this year. Which is up 19.6% when compared to 2021 data. The consultancy’s forecast is that the figure of 500 billion will be exceeded in 2023.

Artificial Intelligence is becoming the apex of the next great wave of innovation. And a differentiating element for companies, when it comes to improving their processes. Saving time and costs, planning and forecasting, allowing them to make better decisions.

By 2022, 5 functionalities in Artificial Intelligence will be highlighted among which we find:

  • ROI-driven AI implementation: some of the most common reasons for unclear financial outcomes of AI projects include limited access to quality data, lack of resources and skills to implement AI at scale; avoiding achieving executive level buy-in. That’s why one of the biggest trends in AI will be to adopt an incremental, ROI-driven approach to AI development.
  • Hyper-automation by AI: in a pandemic-stricken world, the role of information technology has shifted from supporting business operations to delivering business value.This shift has had a profound impact on AI innovations and trends. Driven by 5G deployments, more powerful computing chips, flexible cloud services, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a viable reality. Recent advances in AI will help enterprises achieve resilience and significant cost reductions.
  • Responsible AI: both government entities and private companies should focus on creating intelligent systems that explain the rationale for their decisions and do not discriminate against people based on their ethnicity, age, gender, religion or place of residence. In addition, stakeholders should clearly communicate the benefits of automation to bring employees on board and encourage them to participate in AI implementation and training.
  • AI as a leader of the cybersecurity revolution: the use of intelligent algorithms for the prevention of cyber attacks became one of the most important AI innovations in recent years. Forward-thinking companies leverage it to detect suspicious traffic within corporate IT networks, identify malicious software programs, detect infected links in employee emails and even to model cyberattack scenarios based on vulnerability assessments.
  • AI as a driver of corporate sustainability: while green AI innovations are still rare, several implementations have proven to help companies achieve their sustainability goals. AI is set to become increasingly intelligent, creative and sincere in the coming years.

To conclude

This information gives us reason to believe that as consumers we will see a new great evolution. That is becoming more pervasive. With the duty of getting used to being attended by robots or virtual assistants in certain stores.

At Interfaz, as a technology company, we must also analyze that this forces us to be highly competitive. Otherwise we may fall by the wayside.

Resources: Office for National Statistics (ONS) UK, 2019 | BBC, 2019. “Automation could replace 1.5 million jobs | Forbes, 2019, “Is AI Going To Be A Jobs Killer? | CNBC, 2019. “Automation threatening 25% of jobs in the US”