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Cybersecurity and GenAI: a powerful duo

Image of AI performing data analysis

Cybersecurity and GenAI: a powerful duo

What was once a topic that didn’t catch everyone’s attention is now a trend. Cybersecurity has evolved from being a minor concern to a dominant theme that defines the security of companies worldwide. It has become as indispensable as water for humans. And now, with the addition of GenAI, they form a powerful duo.

In our two previous blogs on cybersecurity, we explored its growing importance. In the first one, “The invisible enemy: how to combat cyber-threats”, we highlighted the ranking of interactive intrusions in major industries that are under attack. We also discussed key steps to counteracting cyber threats.

In the second blog, “Are companies truly prepared for cyberattacks?” we delved deeper into the topic. We explored the importance of cybersecurity for companies and their readiness for cyberattacks. We presented alarming statistics on the incidence of these attacks. And finally, details on the concern of business leaders regarding such threats.

This time, we will take a look into the future. We will analyze how GenAI is revolutionizing the detection and prevention of cyber threats. Offering new insights and strategies to leaders to strengthen the resilience of their organizations against the growing attacks that do not cease. Also considering that AI is a double-edged sword. On the “A” side, it strengthens our security. But on the “B” side, in the wrong and expert hands, it could trigger new forms of cyber-threats.

A brief summary of cybersecurity history

In the 1990s, the term cybersecurity began to gain prominence. As companies and governments increasingly relied on interconnected computer systems, the need to protect these systems against threats arose. Cybersecurity became a field of study, dedicated to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and computer systems.

In its early stages, cybersecurity focused primarily on protecting network infrastructure against viruses and malware. It also involved implementing firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Over time, the landscape became more complex. More sophisticated attacks such as phishing, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats (APTs) emerged. And with them, greater vulnerability, and more problems for companies.

Today the story continues, but a bit differently. The evolution of attacks is impressive. Cyber threats are constantly increasing. According to a Cisco Cybersecurity Report, 85% of organizations experienced some type of security incident in the past year. Demonstrating the increasing sophistication and frequency of cyber-attacks.

According to an IBM Cybersecurity Report, the average cost of a data breach for a company in 2023 was $4.5 million. This includes direct expenses related to data recovery, notification of affected customers, and mitigation measures. As well as indirect costs such as loss of revenue due to business interruption and damage to brand reputation.

However, with the incorporation of GenAI, cybersecurity defense capabilities have experienced significant advancement. AI not only enables faster and more accurate threat detection. Also allows for automated and adaptive responses that enhance business resilience against cyber-attacks.

At this point, several questions arise. We all know the impressive ability of AI to recognize patterns, process millions of data, and make decisions in fractions of a second. But are leaders adopting AI in cybersecurity? What are the challenges AI faces in cybersecurity? And finally, which aspects of cybersecurity will benefit most from AI?

Cybersecurity and GenAI

According to a Gartner study, about 68% of leaders worldwide are using cybersecurity tools that feature AI technology. Of those who are not yet doing so, 67% say they are willing to consider its use in the near future. As for satisfaction levels with the results obtained, of those using the tools, 53% say they are satisfied.

Regarding the benefits, there are two very clear ones. Leaders state that detection speed and predictive capabilities are the main ones. And rightly so, GenAI allows for the analysis of large volumes of data in real-time. Speeding up threat detection and reducing response time to possible attacks. Furthermore, by employing machine learning algorithms, it can anticipate patterns of malicious behavior and foresee potential vulnerabilities before they become a real threat.

86% state that the use of GenAI in cybersecurity tools reduces the success of security incidents by 80%. This perception reflects the confidence of business leaders in the potential of artificial intelligence to strengthen cyber defenses.

For them, the use of GenAI not only represents a significant improvement in detection and response capabilities to threats. Also is perceived as a proactive strategy to anticipate and mitigate cyber risks.

Keep an eye on with these projections

By 2026

· Companies that use GenAI based on security culture and behavior programs will see a 40% reduction in cybersecurity incidents caused by employees. Supported by GenAI, they will be able to adopt safer behaviors in their daily work.

· 75% of organizations will exclude cyber-physical, legacy, and unmanaged systems from their strategies. Under this strategy, users and endpoints have limited access and are constantly monitored for threats.

By 2027

· 70% of organizations will integrate data loss prevention and internal risk management disciplines. Organizations must jointly use data risk and identity risk as main guidelines for strategic data security.

· 30% of corporate cybersecurity areas will design security measures to be understandable and usable by non-cybersecurity experts.

By 2028

· It is expected that spending on combating disinformation will exceed $500 billion, representing half of the budgets allocated to marketing and cybersecurity. Companies need to invest in tools and techniques that use chaos engineering to test their resilience against cyber attacks.

· The adoption of GenAI will close the skills gap in cybersecurity, eliminating the need for specialized education in 50% of entry-level positions. This will change how organizations hire and train cybersecurity workers, focusing on aptitude rather than formal education.

The projections for the coming years in the field of cybersecurity show a clear advancement towards the integration of innovative technologies and more effective practices. There is a clear momentum towards the adoption of innovative technologies, such as GenAI, which promise to revolutionize the way cyber threats are managed.

Furthermore, there is a need to adopt more inclusive and accessible practices in cybersecurity, recognizing that data protection should not be exclusive to field specialists, but should be understood and practiced by all members of the organization.

In summary, these trends indicate an evolution towards a more solid and proactive security culture, where collaboration, education, and innovation play fundamental roles in protection against emerging digital threats.

In conclusion: embracing GenAI for stronger Cybersecurity

Undoubtedly, GenAI has stood out as an invaluable tool for strengthening companies’ cybersecurity defenses. Thanks to its ability to analyze large volumes of data quickly and accurately. A powerful duo.

By leveraging AI capabilities in the field of cybersecurity, companies can strengthen their defenses and more effectively address the challenges of a world quite different from a few years ago.

The combination of cybersecurity and GenAI represents a crucial step towards protecting an organization’s most valuable assets and its ability to thrive in the digital environment of the 21st century. And you as a leader, are you adopting AI in cybersecurity?

At Interfaz, we are committed to offering comprehensive and effective solutions to protect your digital assets. We have all the expertise to address current and future challenges in cybersecurity. If we have been able to protect your business reliably and efficiently from cyber threats with several clients, we can also achieve it with you.