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Software development, a high-potential opportunity

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Software development, a high-potential opportunity

The regional software development market has positioned itself as a very high value opportunity for the development and growth of North America and Eurasian supercontinent companies. 

Experts say that Latin America has the potential to consolidate itself as a very important player in the generation of value for foreign countries companies interested in crossing borders to find talent that means profitability for their business. Are Latin American companies really prepared and trained to offer and export a high-level service?

Software development

Latin American software development potential

The software and services industry offers new opportunities for the economic and social development of Latin America. It is evident that, over the time the demand has grown, more and more software development services and software engineers of all levels and areas are required. 

That is why we can see that a significant segment of the population is showing interest in improving their intellectual capacity. An increasing amount of young people are being trained and educated as software developers and their intellectual capital will make the exportation of software services increase. 

Developers in Latin America are specialized in different areas such as: back-end, front-end, mobile development, database administrators and data scientists, Cloud engineers, among others. Also, regarding programming languages, they have a high level of proficiency in Python, Java Script, HTML, Java, .Net, Angular, React and Rails.

According to TopCoder Ranking, which determines based on experience if a region is a good choice as a solution to develop a project, Latin America is well ranked with countries between 15th and 35th globally, an interesting position compared to other Asian countries. This is due to the preparation of its professionals, their quality, cultural adaptability and excellent working environment.

Software development blog

Commitment to delivering value is real. They offer a higher level of overall job satisfaction. This is due to the high level of competencies at work and social skills; on one side, the mastery of knowledge and willingness to be updated, and on the other, responsibility, learning capacity, creativity and innovation, initiative and productivity. 

Latin Americans are warm, know how to work as a team and understand the importance of timing. Delivering what was promised and providing value is a common goal. Most importantly, they are professionals with capacity for adaptation and training, which means they are able to adapt to the working conditions required by each project and/or company. They also seek to be at the forefront of technologies related to the sector in which they provide services, so they feel confident in making decisions that generate value.

In summary, we can highlight good university education, English proficiency, access to advanced computer tools, certification tests, flexibility and creative skills.

What does Costa Rica has that others don’t?

Software Development Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a great partner for companies that have set their eyes on this country due to its ability of taking full advantage of digital tools in customer experience, improving efficiency and customizing solutions. Just in the software industry, Costa Rica has worked with more than 100 companies, of which more than 60% have export experience.

In 2019, according to the Global Innovation Index (WIPO), Costa Rica was ranked #2 in innovation in Latin America. 88% of companies in the technology sector have experience in international markets, and its capital, San Jose, is in the top 10 of medium and small cities in the world for the categories of economic potential and human capital. Besides, Costa Rica is recognized as a reliable and valuable partner for the world’s most demanding multinational corporations, including the #1 Fortune 500.

Software development is the most important activity within the IT sector, accounting for half of the ITC sector’s contribution to GDP. Its professionals handle a wide variety of programming languages.

As for the preparation of professionals, Costa Rica has more than 60 universities with bilingual programs, giving it the capacity to offer the world excellent professionals, where more than 50% have more than 11 years of experience.

What does Interfaz has that others don’t?

At Interfaz we work to turn your ideas into business opportunities. For over 20 years, we have solved software development needs of recognized companies, for whom we have built customized solutions under the best practices and high standards required by the industry.

Thanks to our technical capacity, creative potential and high standards of innovation and quality, we have achieved the internationalization of services, closing commercial agreements with transnational companies, where we have added value to business by meeting their needs through our team of bilingual professionals, qualified and expert in a wide range of programming languages, allowing us to develop according to their technical and technological requirements.

Custom software development services blog

How is the business model approached?

The industry in general, related to the provision of technology development services, is segmented between products and services, or there is also the option of combining both methods. For software development, it works as described next: 

Software development as a product: it is a solution created in advance of the business relationship; a product that can be adapted to several customers with the same need. It is a very viable option for companies with limited budgets, as it is a pre-built solution and due to its standardization, there are no expenses related to technical development and product launch testing. 

Software development as a service: this is directly related to the possibility of expanding the scope offered to the company. It is a more robust and complete service that includes consulting, development and maintenance of tailor-made applications, staff training and integration with the solution to get the maximum potential out of it. Although it is difficult to list each viable service, because they evolve and transform according to the progress of market needs, we can highlight the most relevant:

  • Software development and maintenance
  • Consulting and software management
  • Installation and support of software packages
  • Systems integration services
  • Network infrastructure management
  • Training and education services
  • Hardware installation and support
  • security services
  • Web Hosting and Application Service Providers (ASPs)

Software development, by incorporating technologies and solutions for different types of problems and needs, becomes a decisive tool for increasing productivity. For this reason, large companies are eliminating their operational bases in search of cost reduction and access to more qualified human resources outside their countries of origin. 

At Interfaz we work to reduce your company’s costs by improving production processes, by saving time by outsourcing the software development service and by offering quality assurance so that your company is better prepared to deal with the challenges that are coming up.

Resources: Software Sector Development in Latin America | TopCoder Ranking | Esencial Costa Rica “Report Costa Rica, meeting point for all things digital”.