If you are reading this article, you have likely encountered situations where technology has been a barrier, problem, or obstacle between individuals and the achievement of a goal, whether in our personal lives or in our work.
Therefore, I would like to share a series of relevant aspects that we must consider in order for any process involving the adoption of some form of technology to be as painless as possible and in an effective manner.
Technology, as many know it, has been present in our lives for many years and manifests as a very important element for human development. Currently, we can speak of three types of people who face technology in very different ways. For some, the adoption process requires a bit more effort, for others, it’s something they are born with and understand perfectly, and finally, there are those who completely resist its adoption—three generations sharing and living in very distinct ways. One could consider this difference to be a generational gap, but there are other factors that influence technology adoption.
1. Generational Gap
We can start by acknowledging that rarely in history have two, or even three, consecutive generations lived in such different worlds. We have those who grew up in an environment where technology seems to be present in every aspect of their lives and is essential for carrying out their daily activities. On the other hand, there is a group that is not as familiar with these technologies and have had to adapt to them using whatever technological capabilities they possess.
The rapid innovations driven by technological advances require the younger generation to involve their elders in understanding and minimally adopting technology to survive in the present era. We could say that a readjustment has occurred, where generations feed back into each other. The older generation continues an endless cycle of transmitting values, which become increasingly important each day to maintain the balance of humanity.

Thanks to this feedback, the technological gap tends to decrease. We observe older adults becoming passionate about social media, navigating the internet, using online banking, ordering deliveries, engaging in remote work, and even successfully entering the world of video games. Of course, not everyone is so fortunate. This is why another factor contributing to further reducing the gap is the passage of time. Millennials, a generation inherently tied to technology, will age, narrowing the divide.
2. Access to Technological Resources
On the other end, a highly relevant factor is the lack of resources. This is known as the “digital divide,” an invisible line that separates those who can access a computer from those who cannot. In all societies, there is a certain social stratum that remains on the sidelines of technology due to resource limitations. This often generates feelings of anxiety and frustration, resulting in greater difficulty when attempting to integrate or adapt to the innovation within society.
3. Disinterest
We cannot overlook disinterest—individuals who are unable to see any stimulus in the benefits of technology, who cling to misconceptions about the danger or harm it poses to humanity, reflecting a lack of understanding on the subject. A potential path to changing their minds or at least nudging them in this process is helping them see technology as a tool that will complement their lives, making certain aspects easier. The best way to understand it is through use and experimentation.
4. Culture
Another aspect to consider is culture. There’s a belief that people will be replaced by technology, generating concern and once again rejection towards it, driven by misinformation. It’s the duty of leaders to integrate their employees with new tools, to make them understand that these tools enhance their job performance, streamline daily processes, and increase productivity. Accompaniment is crucial for success in this adoption process.
Currently, we are experiencing constant changes in innovation, centered around the customer and undoubtedly supported by technology. Their success depends on user acceptance and adaptation. But how can this be achieved? We know that people don’t easily adapt to new technologies since they are accustomed to a specific way of doing things. Stepping out of their comfort zone brings discomfort, leading to resistance.
Human beings cling to a stable reality and struggle to adopt new conditions. For instance, the way our parents used computers 20 years ago is not the same as today. Adapting to new technology creates unease and conflict. However, providing them with reasons and explaining the benefits it can bring to their lives, like the ease of communicating with loved ones, will motivate them to adapt or at least try.

Tips for companies
When implementing new technology, companies must have a clear understanding of why they’re doing it, what improvements will be made, why it’s necessary, whether it will add value to their processes, and if the technology is user-friendly. Integrating it with employees without creating resistance is another challenge. To address this, it’s advisable to follow these steps for better acceptance of new technologies within your company:
A. Understand Your Processes
It’s crucial to thoroughly understand your business model.
- What are your processes?
- What systems do you use?
- How long does each process take?
Then analyze:
- What needs improvement?
- Which areas will be impacted?
B. Involve Employees
Listening to employees will help you understand what they do and how they do it. Involving them in the process and making them part of it will enable you to learn:
- What pains them?
- Which processes can be improved?
C. Choose the Right Technology
This doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive option. It’s about selecting technology that meets the needs of both your customers and employees. Understanding the technology you’re adopting in detail is essential. It should fulfill expectations, be user-friendly in learning and usage.
D. Leadership
Leadership plays a fundamental role. As mentioned earlier, leaders are responsible for showing employees that the technology addresses problems and needs in their work area. This optimization will increase performance and streamline processes. Involving employees and making them feel connected and accepted is key for successful implementation.

conclusion, technology has always been a part of our lives and evolves every day. When implementing technological innovations, it’s important to consider a strategy of gradual integration with society, avoiding imposition, as this would only lead to rejection. Finding various forms of motivation to encourage adoption, demonstrating how technology can streamline processes and contribute to their lives, creating a need and curiosity to adapt, is crucial. It’s worth noting that not everyone easily understands technology, so user-friendliness is essential. Lastly, remember that innovation doesn’t mean replacing people with robots. Closing the current generational gap largely relies on technology itself, and we must be prepared for this ongoing cycle of evolution.
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